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Lower stress hormones and build long-term resilience through our calming infusion and therapy techniques that 'reset' your nervous system.

About Anxiety
Anxiety Treatment: Embrace Inner Calm and Reclaim Your Life

At Ketamine Is Hope, we understand the overwhelming impact that anxiety disorders can have on your daily life and well-being. Anxiety disorders encompass a group of mental health conditions, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Our specialized treatment approach aims to help individuals overcome the burdens of anxiety and rediscover a sense of calm and control.

About <strong>Anxiety</strong>
Understanding The Symptoms Of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive, irrational fear, and worry that can significantly disrupt your daily activities, such as work, school, or personal relationships. Common symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Muscle tension and aches
  • Stomachache and nausea
  • Sleep problems, including insomnia or excessive sleep
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Restlessness and inability to sit still
  • Irritability and mood fluctuations
  • Difficulty concentrating and racing thoughts
  • Chronic fatigue and low energy levels
  • Inability to control feelings of worry or fear

It is important to note that anxiety symptoms can vary among individuals, and each person's experience is unique. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with anxiety, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our providers, at Ketamine is Hope.

  • Personalized Anxiety Treatment at Ketamine Is Hope

    At Ketamine Is Hope, we believe in a holistic approach to anxiety treatment. Our dedicated providers collaborate closely with mental health professionals to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. We highly value the integration of our Ketamine therapy with other mental health treatments, and we require all patients to be under the care of a licensed mental health provider for comprehensive support.

  • Rediscover Calmness and Embrace a Life Free from Anxiety

    At Ketamine Is Hope, we are dedicated to helping individuals overcome the challenges of anxiety and regain control of their lives. Our compassionate team, cutting-edge Ketamine therapy, and personalized care approach offer hope and the potential for a brighter future. Schedule a consultation with our experienced professionals today and take the first step towards reclaiming your life from the grips of anxiety.

  • Harnessing the Potential of Ketamine Infusion Therapy

    Ketamine Infusion Therapy has shown remarkable efficacy in relieving symptoms of anxiety. By stimulating the production of glutamate, a neurotransmitter involved in repairing damaged brain connections and promoting positive thoughts and behaviors, Ketamine therapy offers a path to ease anxiety symptoms and restore balance.

    During your treatment, our experienced Ketamine is Hope providers administer a tailored dose of Ketamine to stimulate glutamate production and alleviate anxiety symptoms. The initial treatment typically consists of six infusions administered over 2-3 weeks. Many individuals experience significant relief from anxiety symptoms, and some maintain long-lasting improvements for several months. Follow-up maintenance infusions are personalized to your unique needs and scheduled accordingly to support your ongoing well-being.

Payment Statement
Cash or Financing through Advance Care

At Ketamine Is Hope, we offer convenient payment options for our services. You can choose to pay for your treatment with cash or explore financing options through Advance Care. We understand that each individual's financial situation is unique, and we are committed to helping you access the care you need. If you prefer to pay in cash, we accept cash payments for our services. Alternatively, if you would like to explore financing options, you can apply for financing through Advance Care by visiting their website at We are here to support you in finding the best payment option for your needs.

Alone in the unspoilt wilderness
Imagine finally being calm.
Contact us now to see how our techniques can reset your nervous system and quiet anxiety for good.